Here are some pictures I have collected throughout the years.

This is one of my favorite pictures of myself.  It is during a blizzard while I was skiing!  I had icicles hanging from my beard that day!  It was sweet.  By the way it's a Buffalo hat in case you could tell. Buffalo Boy!
Beard Boy! This is after a couple years of college.  Yes, I did take this one myself.  You have to love that curly hair.
Barbara and I This is Barbara and I at the first House ever built in Dallas. 


Who says that Beer and Heavy Machinery don't mix? Heavy Machinery


Young Ones! This is one is of Craig and I.  Weren't we cute kids?




Looking good.


I found the bike I've been looking for.  I saw it when I took a Harley Davidson factory tour in Wisconsin. Oooh La La!


You can do it! Here I come to save the day!  Yes this is me and believe it or not I'm at work!!


This isn't a very good picture of A&M's graduation, but can you tell which one is me?  I'm actually in the front row four seats left of center! Where's Waldo?
Gradulated Boy! For graduation at Schreiner College, I soaped the fountain. Unfortunately I did get caught.  Thanks  James and Ernesto! Grad Boy!